Jumat, 17 September 2021

Kj Works Airsoft Guns

Merek ini menjadi pilihan pistol bagi banyak airsofter dunia. KJ Works Didirikan lebih dari 30 tahun yang lalu, KJ Works memproduksi gas blowback berkinerja tinggi dan dapat diandalkan menjadi salah satu produsen GBB terpopuler dalam dunia airsoft di berbagai.

KJ WORKS CZ 75 SP-01 SHADOW ACCU CUSTOM GBB Pistol CO2 Version. USD$174.99. Add to Cart. Add to Wishlist.

KJ Works Airsoft Guns . Kuan Ju Works , also known as KJ Works , is an expert in manufacturing gas operated airsoft pistols. They are one of the most well known and established manufacturers of various models of airsoft guns . Some of the standout KJ Works products include the KJW M700 Take Down Airsoft Gas Rifle , KJ Works M700 Bolt Action Rifle .

kj work cz shadow 2 gbb pistol (gas ver.) The CZ Shadow 2 , the CZ family line of pistols. Designed by top tier competition shooters, a pistol well balanced and made for speed and precision.

74 rows ÿú KJ Works M4 CQB Gas Blow Back Rifle (TANIO KOBA MAG) Buy Now : US$386.40 : KJW.

KJ Works . Home. Shop. 2. Airsoft Guns . Pistols. KJ Works Sort By: Show: 1 2 ? 8 9 Out of stock. APLUS Custom KJW KP-09 (Gas) CZ75 w/LM Airsoft GBB Pistol $ 129.00.

KJ Works | Gas Airsoft Guns Canada, KJ Works | Gas Airsoft Guns Canada, KJ Works | Gas Airsoft Guns Canada, KJ Works (GBBP & GBBR ) - Guns, KY Custom KJW KP-16 GBBP (Kmber marking) Brand KJ Works Major Color : Tan Major material : Metal Based system : KJW 1911 system Hop up: adjustable Magazine capacity : 26 round package comes with one Gas magazine, KJ Works Full Metal M4 RIS Airsoft GBB Rifle Out of Stock. Special Price $359.99 Regular Price $399.99. Save 10%. KJ Works Shadow 2 Original Parts #53, 78, 16, 76, 17 Out of Stock. $12.99. KJ Works Shadow 2 Original Parts #29, 18, 93 (Adjust Ring Set - assembled) $8.99.;"