16/08/2016 ÿú Actress Kim Go- eun signed an exclusive contract with Hodu&U Entertainment, according to Kim ?s new label on Tuesday. ?Hodu&U will represent Kim starting on Aug. 16,? said a source from the agency . ? Kim will take part in good projects in the near fu, Gender: Female. Born: July 2, 1991. Age: 30. Kim Go Eun is a South Korean actress under BH Entertainment. Go Eun 's first-ever on-screen role was in the critically acclaimed A Muse (2012). Her daring and naturalistic performance in the film won her accolades in South Korea. She returned to the screen in the crime thriller Monster (2014) and.
Kim Go-eun - Wikipedia, Kim Go Eun Boyfriend, Ex-Boyfriend and Husband (2021), Kim Go-eun - Wikipedia, Kim Go Eun (???) - MyDramaList, 08/06/2020 ÿú Sempat menimba ilmu di tempat yang sama di Korea National University jurusan Seni Teater dan pernah berada di agensi yang sama, kabar kedekatan Kim Go Eun dengan bintang dari drama Find Me in Your Memory mencuat pada awal bulan.
20/04/2020 ÿú Kim Go Eun mengawali kariernya di film A Muse tahun 2012. Berkat perannya disini, ia mendapat penghargaan sebagai Aktris Baru Terbaik tahun tersebut. Penghargaan dan kesuksesan filmnya, tentu membuatnya mendapat banyak tawaran. Namun, ia memutuskan untuk vakum selama dua tahun untuk mengejar gelar pendidikannya. Pada tahun 2014 ia kembali berakting di film Monster.
22/04/2021 ÿú According to the media, Shin Ha Kyun and Kim Go- Eun started dating in June 2016. The couple gained attention for their 17-year age gap as Shin Ha Kyun was born in 1974 while Kim Go Eun was born in 1991. Shin Ha-Kyun is a multiple award-winning actor known for his role in films such as The Front Line, Thirst, and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance.
28/06/2021 ÿú Kim Go Eun dan Lee Suhyun AKMU akan tampil bersama di variety show terbaru JTBC yakni The Sea I Desire.Mereka pun memamerkan foto selfie bersama, sebuah spoiler bagi para penggemar yang tak sabar menantikan keduanya di acara yang tayang pada 29 Juni mendatang.. Duduk bersisian, Kim Go Eun dan Lee Suhyun AKMU mengundang banyak perhatian karena visualnya bak.
Kim Go Eun is a beautiful young actress who got famous after appearing in only a few movies and Korean dramas which has then brought her several awards ( 13 awards as of writing, wow!).
In late February 2020, the Korean NGO Good Neighbors published that Kim Go-eun had made a donation of 100 million won (approx.
In 2012, Kim was catapulted from obscurity to the center of much media buzz when she was cast as Eun-gyo , a 17-year-old high school student who awakens the lust of two men, in A Muse.;"