Sabtu, 18 September 2021

Is There A Fuse For The Door Ajar

No there is no fuse. If all the doors are closed check to see if the door ajar light is on your dash if it is you have a problem with 1 of the 4 door ajar sensors.

There is no fuses that will fix this. You are going to have to replace the bad door ajar switch. Now there is a trick that you can try. Its not 100 percent but it will sometimes fix the problem. Take some pb blaster or wd-40 and spray on all door latches. Then open and close the door couple of times, 02/09/2019 ÿú this problem is caused by the door ajar switches inside the door that are attached to the door latch sticking, there are 1 for each door and 2 in the tailgate, the only simple way to fix this is to have ford do a scan of the system an ID which of the switches is sticking, otherwise you must de-trim/remove door panel on every door and the tailgate until u ID the defective one, and it could be.

07/11/2015 ÿú LIBERALLY spray WD-40 into each of the door latches - close / open each door a few times - repeat as necessary. The door ajar switch is INSIDE the door latch - it is common for these switches to become stuck in the ON position - WD-40 will free up the switch. I?ve fixed a BUNCH of em using this exact procedure. Good luck to all..!, Door ajar switches. Fuse junction panel fuse 28 (10A), 4 (10A), 5 (10A). Power distribution box fuse 6 (60A). Circuitry. Damaged or corroded connectors. Lighting control module (LCM) Driver door module (DDM). Virtual image cluster (VIC). Restraint control module (RCM). Low tire pressure module. -----The Door Ajar Chime Does Not Operate Properly LCM.

30/05/2013 ÿú If it's because it says door ajar in the dash, try spraying WD40 in the latches (drench them), and open and close the doors a few times (some people close them rather forcefully). It tends to work, since it unsticks the door ajar sensor.

SOURCE: where are the door pins for the door ajar light. The door ajar switches are located inside the door they are attached to the door latch assembly, they twist in, you will need to remove the rear window glass run channel to access them, this is your problem, the switches stick and cause this problem. There is a TSB concerning this problem as well.

14/06/2013 ÿú There is not a specific fuse for that. 6 people found this helpful. Your problem is most probably the door ajar switch on the drivers side door. You'll have to remove the panel obviously. The switches are side specific, probably, so if you plan on replacing it make sure you indicate which door it .

Which fuse operates automatic door locks and door ajar light Check your owners manual.. it will show u the location of the fuse that operates the door .also u can call your car dealer and ask for parts.. they will tell u the fuse number and locationsam.

08/02/2021 ÿú Where is the fuse for door ajar warning? Really all you need to do is find the button unside the door jam that pushes in and out when door is ajar and replace it or unplug it ... 2001 Ford Focus;"