Commonly, Irelia takes more damage than Akali. This often reflects differing health capacities however, it can also imply that the champion with higher health has less agility and thus is unable to flee from additional damage when engaged or poked. In Irelia vs Akali matchups, Irelia often racks up much more CS than Akali.
im an irelia and akali main so ill do my best to give some tips :) akali has a super strong level 1 and its very unlikely you?ll be able to touch the wave until lvl 2-3. slow push the wave and abuse her cds, her shroud and dash have uber long cooldowns, making her super vulnerable on top of being one of the squishiest assassins in the game.
This is a really bad matchup. There isn't much you can do if the Akali player knows what they are doing. I just ban her, Commonly, Akali receives less damage than Irelia. This typically indicates differing health capacities however, it can also indicate that the champ with more health has less agility and thus is not able to escape further harm when poked or engaged. In Akali vs Irelia matchups, Akali typically gets many fewer minion kills than Irelia.
Irelia vs Akali Walkthrough/ Tips by Irelia Carries U (Challenger/Masters) Irelia . Close. 76. Posted by 6 years ago. Archived. Irelia vs Akali Walkthrough/ Tips by Irelia Carries U (Challenger/Masters) Irelia . Hey guys first time doing one of these, let me know what you think.;"