The True Story of 'Hollywood' Agent Henry Willson.
The True Story of Henry Willson, Rock Hudson's Agent in.
Lot 3, Section 215, Curb Number 673 in Restland B. Memorial ID. 24550637 ú View Source. Suggest Edits. Memorial. Photos. Flowers. Plant Trees. Henry Willson was an American Hollywood talent agent who played a large role in popularizing the beefcake craze of the 1950s.
In 1974, the unemployed and destitute agent moved into the Motion Picture & Television Country House and Hospital, where he remained until he died of cirrhosis of the liver. With no money to cover the cost of a gravestone, he was interred in an unmarked grave in Valhalla Memorial Park Cemetery in North Hollywood, California. A headstone was eventually placed at his burial site with the epitaph Star -.
US Senator and Vice President. An abolitionist and member of the Republican Party, he served as the 18th US Vice President under President Ulysses S. Grant's 2nd term from March 1873 until his death. Born Jeremiah Jones Colbath, he moved to Natick, Massachusetts in 1833, where he taught school and engaged in the.
01/05/2020 ÿú Willson was originally buried in an unmarked grave in Valhalla Memorial Park Cemetery, but a headstone that read Star - Star Maker, was later placed.
Henry Willson, Henry Leroy Willson was an American Hollywood talent agent who played a large role in developing the beefcake craze of the 1950s. He was known for his stable of young, attractive clients, including Ro?, Henry Willson was one of the most notorious agents of his era ? often abusing his position as a Hollywood heavyweight to coerce men into having sex with him, in exchange for representation.
Willson was known for the men he represented , whether straight or closeted gay. Many clients were gay, many were straight, and without doubt there was another group that was straight but ambitious.
Henry Willson was a manager who specialized in good looking men who may not have any real talent. Which to me, is the best talent to see on the big screen.;"