06/10/2017 ÿú Medical professionals are generally encouraged to draw up adrenaline rather than use auto-injectors if they feel confident and competent to do so.
treatment of anaphylaxis , including practical in Basic Life Support and has immediate access to an in-date supply of adrenaline 1mg in 1ml (1:1000) at the time of the consultation. (The practitioner must be deemed competent in basic life support and in emergency administration of adrenaline ), After vaccination | The Australian Immunisation Handbook, Adrenaline (Epinephrine) Injection (1:1000) for.
After vaccination | The Australian Immunisation Handbook, Adrenaline and fluid bolus administration in resuscitation, 13/02/2020 ÿú Intravenous administration of adrenaline for anaphylaxis requires the use of a 1:10000 adrenaline solution. Do not give the undiluted 1:1000 adrenaline intravenously. Method of Administration. Adrenaline Injection 1/1000 (1mg/ml) may be administered undiluted by IM injection.;"