AL-AKHIRAH (THE HEREAFTER) Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Mas?ood (raa) narrates that Rasulullah (saws) recited this verses, ?That person whom Allah intends to guide, Allah grants him satisfactions of the heart for Islam.? Then Rasulullah (saws) said, ?When Noor (light) enters the heart, it (the heart) open up.?, Often al-Akhirah is used as the opposite of Dunya, meaning this world in which we live, Akhirah will come later hence it is called the Hereafter. Sometimes al-Akhirah is used in conjunction with al-ddr as al-Ddr al-Akhirah (the Last Abode).
Akhirah is the term for life after death. Muslims believe that no soul may die except with God?s permission at a predestined time (Qur?an 3:145). This links with the belief of al-Qadr.
THE MEANING OF AL ? AKHIRAH Al - Akhirah in Islamic belief system , specifically refers to the ?Hereafter? . Al - Akhirah is the day where this world comes to an end .The world will be in such devastating situation where no one will survive. Then, people from the dead will be revived and judged for what they have done during their time in the.
Real success or failure is success or failure in the Akhirah for which Allah (swt) will be the sole Judge. Nothing in this world has any value if it does not benefit man on the Day of Judgment. Thus, there is no Islam without the Akhirah, and no sensible Muslim can remain forgetful of it lest he become a loser on that Momentous Day.
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The Al - Islam .org site and the DILP are entirely supported by individual donors and well wishers. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of Al - Islam .org, please donate online.
The Al - Islam .org site and the DILP are entirely supported by individual donors and well wishers. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of Al - Islam .org, please donate online.
The state of the body in Barzakh One of the dreaded stages of the hereafter is ?Barzakh?. ?Barzakh? literally means a curtain or a separation, which lies between two things and does not allow them to meet each other. For example, sweet water and bitter water both flow side by side, but Almighty Allah has set between them a barrier so they do not intermingle. As Allah says in the Qur?an,;"