The Marburg Files, also known as the Windsor Files or Duke of Windsor Files, are a series of top-secret foreign minister archives discovered in Germany, May 1945 near the Harz Mountains and compiled at Marburg Castle, Hesse.
12/11/2018 ÿú The Windsor File provided definitive evidence of the Duke of Windsor ?s relationship with high-ranking Nazi officials and increased the suspicion that he was a Nazi sympathizer. One of the most shocking pieces of information that came out of the Marburg files was the detailed description of Germany?s plan known as Operation Willi.
10/08/2016 ÿú Edward VIII - nazistowski kr¢l, kt¢rego Hitler chcia? uczyni? w?adc? Wielkiej Brytanii. - Hitler nie m¢g? uwierzy?, i? Edward VIII abdykowa?. Nie potrafi? poj??, jak mo?na by?o odda? tak wielk? w?adz? z powodu kobiety. Dla Hitlera w?adza by?a wszystkim, wi?c ruch brytyjskiego kr¢la wyda? mu si? czym? zupe?nie.
14/11/2018 ÿú A ? Windsor - akta ? k‚zzelfoghat¢ bizony¡t‚kkal szolg lt arr¢l, hogy VIII. Edu rd kapcsolatban llt magas rang£ n ci vezet?kkel, ‚s n”velte a gyan£t, hogy szimpatiz l ideol¢gi jukkal. A legmegd”bbent?bb eleme az anyagnak tal n a n‚metek ltal ?Willi-hadm?veletnek? keresztelt terv r‚szletes le¡r sa volt.
20/12/2017 ÿú Named the Marburg files, they included a cache of documents damaging to the royal family called the ? Windsor File??some 60 documents (letters, telegrams and other papers) written by people.
The discovery of the Marburg Files. It all starts in April 1945 with a man named David Silberberg. David D. Silberberg was a First Lieutenant in the Combat and Counter-Intelligence Section of the 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division. He was born in 1921 in the Harz Mountains region in Germany where he and his family fled the Nazi.
22/05/2021 ÿú Bal des Quat? z ?Arts and the 1893 Student Uprising. The Bal des Quat? z ?Arts, or ?Four Arts Ball? was an annual ball held in the bohemian district of Montmartre in Paris. It was attended by students of architecture, painting, sculpture, and engraving (the ?four arts?).
But what were the marburg files and did the duke of windsor really help. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. O hotel tusculum oferece acomoda‡äes elegantes e modernas em marburg an der lahn, a 47 km de winterberg. Todas as fotos (45) fotos em 360§ (41) 8,4..
Edward VIII, Princess Margaret, Countess.
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Wedding of Prince Harry and Megh?, Wedding of Prince William an?, Operation Willi, Cultural depictions of Edward VI?, Abdication of Edward VIII, Profumo Affair, Aberfan Disaster;"