We recommend you Akkalkot to Gangapur Maharashtra road-route to travel by, so that your travel could be comfortable and hassle free and, you may not find any holdup in travelling between Akkalkot and Gangapur Maharashtra . This gives you the ability to get away from traffic congestion along the road going from Akkalkot to Gangapur Maharashtra .
What is the road driving distance between gangapur to Akkalkot ? The road driving distance between gangapur to Akkalkot is 74 Km. Depending on the vehicle you choose to travel, you can calculate the amount of CO2 emissions from your vehicle and assess the environment impact.
Distance between Gangapur Datta Mandir and Akkalkot is 68 kms or 42.3 miles or 36.7 nautical miles, Gangapur and Akkalkot By Road, Distance Between Gangapur and Akkalkot , Distance By Road From Gangapur and Akkalkot with Travel Time, Akkalkot Distance from Gangapur , Driving Direction Calculator from gangapur and akkalkot .
Get travel duration, driving direction from Ganagapur to Akkalkot by Road, Trains, Bus, Car and Flight only at MakeMyTrip Route Planner. Know how to reach from Ganagapur to Akkalkot .
According to the Indian Rail network distance between GANAGAPUR ROAD and AKALKOT ROAD is 51 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 01h 15m.
01/04/2017 ÿú The first bus was almost fulled & bus conditioned was not good as compare to 2nd one. :-) We took the 2nd bus, because ride from Ganagapur to Akkalkot is bumpy. It will take almost 2.5 hrs to reach Akkalkot. Bus Fare:- Rs 80/-We reached at Akkalkot around 5.30 P.M. Staying at Akkalkot You may choose to stay at Akkalkot. The best option is Bhakta Niwas which is at 5 minutes walking.
Next Nearest Railway Station is Kalaburagi Junction (KLBG) at a distance of 40kms. Kalaburagi Airport (GBI) is the Nearest Airport to Ganagapur Temple located at a distance of 55kms. Currently there are few flights operating between Kalaburagi and Bangalore, Mumbai, Hindon (for Delhi) and Tirupati which are operated by Star Air and Alliance Air Airlines.;"