Akali Laning Against. Akali has a powerful early game with her Q and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her get free harass on you by keeping your distance and staying at max range at all times. If she does use her Q and it hits, do not walk forward for some time. Akali has no built-in sustain and she has.
We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity,.
Akali Build Guide : Akali Mid Build/Matchups Guide [9.22.
Akali Counter - Best Counters from Best Data LoL Patch 11.
Akali Counters: Counter Picks, Best Matchups And Lane.
Akali Counters: Counter Picks, Best Matchups And Lane.
Top builds, runes, skill orders for Akali based on the millions of matches we analyze daily. Also includes as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, rankings for this champion Akali Build - Items / Runes / Matchups - League of Legends, Toplane Akali Matchup Spreedsheet Hello, i am wahid3251 and i am a Challenger Akali one trick. I've recently found some spare time and decided to make a matchup spreadsheet for top as i've noticed a lot of akali players struggle with this lane and i wanted to help, it is not entirely completed and there are a few matchups / details that are.
Akali Matchups Toplane Spreadsheet (Early stage) Bois lads bois lads. Some of you may know me, but for the rest of the community that does not know me. My name is Licwit, i am a Challenger (700lp) Akali onetrick on EUW. I initially didnt see a lot of high elo Akali players when i first got to Grandmaster 300lp, so i thought to myself that i was ...;"