19/07/2020 ÿú In this # Akali #Guide you will learn the basic and advanced combos of Akali ! ????LIKE & SUBSCRIBE???? for MORE Vids: http://bit.ly/2xHnhQy??Stream! https://w.
27/07/2019 ÿú Akali - Fast Combo Help me reach to 100.000 subscribers Channel League Of Legends PROTV: https://goo.gl/jJ4gYV? Please click the SHOW MORE for more inform.
13/01/2020 ÿú Akali combo guide season 10. Enjoy :DPlayer: ZerinaliSocial Media:Twitter: https://twitter.com/Zerinali1Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zerinalii/Music Us.
Akali . ú Kombinacje. Fast combo your target by using R to them, then E W. E again, then quickly AA Q R. Tower dive by using R to your target, then E. E again, then quickly AA Q and R to safety. For an extended all in, R to your target then AA Q. W AA E, then E again and quickly AA Q and R. Extend your ult by using R and Flashing before it ends.
19/07/2019 ÿú Combo list basic combos These combos should be used when trading in lane, very basic standard q - w weave in and out e1 a minion - q auto trade - then e back.
Akali Combos: Best Combos for S11 League of Legends.
Akali Combos: Best Combos for S11 League of Legends.
Akali Build Guide : All Aspect Akali Guide OTP :: League.
r/akalimains - Akali combos - reddit, 22/01/2013 ÿú Akali is a great person for a 1v1 battle sometimes , it depends on who the character she is going against. Akali is an assasin and can escape quickly,But sadly she is not like Lee sin.She can't dash to teamates,teamate mininos,and only can escape on enemies,monsters,and enemy minoins.He combos are beast and once she is fed,she is pretty much unstoppable.Her juking is awesome and it is great.
R-GUNBLADE MID AIR-AA-E-Q-AA. Takes some practice to pull this one off, but it is the fastest AND deadliest of Akali 's combos. You dash in, gunblade mid air, let her auto attack automatically (do not cancel it, it takes a little timing), then you use E then Q almost simultaneously, E's animation can be cancelled by other abilities, but the damage still comes through. then the final auto attack.
Most akali combos revolve around cancelling E2 with either Q or R because you have no time to waste on akali . One of my favorite more advanced tricks is using E1 right after the end of R1. you can do this by holding your mouse behind the enemy while R1 over them and then clicking right as it ends. and with this combo you can also use stuff like.
Akali was the first champion I bought pre rework and still continued to play her after rework. I have played Akali in every role with every kind of runes and every item set. In my opinion Akali is the most fun champion in the game, from her fancy flips, too her extreme damage and mobility.;"