[05 september 2019] [14622 hits] call for papers the 2nd international conference on.
[05 september 2019] [14614 hits] call for papers the 2nd international conference on sustainable development & multi ethnic society (icosh2) 2019 [01 juni 2019] [24652 hits], [05 september 2019] [14623 hits] call for papers the 2nd international conference on sustainable development & multi ethnic society (icosh2) 2019 [01 juni 2019] [24661 hits], Sistem Informasi Akademik, [05 september 2019] [14550 hits] call for papers the 2nd international conference on sustainable development & multi ethnic society (icosh2) 2019 [01 juni 2019] [24623 hits], 03041281823033. NAMA. MUHAMMAD NAJHAN TRIALDY PRYANKA. FAKULTAS / PRODI. FAKULTAS TEKNIK / TEKNIK ELEKTRO (S1 KAMPUS INDRALAYA) JENIS KELAMIN. LAKI.
Selamat datang. Silakan login terlebih dahulu. Username. Password. Program Studi, 3hgrpdq $ndghpln gdq .hpdkdvlvzddq 8qlyhuvlwdv 6ulzlmd\d 7dkxq $ndghpln ly .(38786$1 5(.725 81,9(56,7$6 65,:,-$<$ 1r 81 6. %$. $n, Pembukaan program ekstensi tersebut berdasarkan SK Dirjen Dikti Nomor 409/DIKTI/Kep/1996 tgl Agustus 1996. Pada tahun akademik 2001/2002 telah juga dibuka program studi strata I Arsitektur. Program Pasca Sarjana Unsri mulai tahun akademik 2001.2002, Program Pasca Sarjana Unsri membuka Program Studi Teknik Kimia dalam bidang ilmu Teknologi Energi.
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