03/08/2021 ÿú Shri Atul Kumar Agarwal , IRSME, assumed charge as General Manager, ICF , on 30.07.2021. He succeeds Shri John Thomas, General Manager, Southern Railway, who was looking after the post of GM , ICF , additionally. Prior to taking over charge as General Manager, ICF , Shri Agarwal was the Principal Chief Administrative Officer of Central Organisation for Modernisation of?, 03/08/2021 ÿú AK Agarwal has assumed charge as General Manager ( GM ) of Integral Coach Factory on July 30. He succeeds John Thomas, General Manager, Southern Railway, looking after the post of GM , ICF , additionally. Prior to taking over charge, Agarwal was the Principal Chief Administrative Officer of Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops (Indian Railways) at New [?], 15/08/2021 ÿú Agarwal , who took charge as ICF's GM on August 3, said that despite the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, ICF had performed to its peak by turning out 767 coaches from April to.
31/07/2021 ÿú no. e(o)iii-2021/pm/51: the president ls pleased to approve of the appointment of shri a.k . agarwal , irsme, presently working as principal cao/ cofmow, as general manager, integral coach factory/ chennai, until further orders. ( gm / icf orders) sanjiv bhutani, irsee, director general/ rdso/ lucknow. no.;"