Jumat, 03 September 2021

Air Mail Par Avion Meaning

Airmail etiquette - Wikipedia, Par avion definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary, Airmail etiquette - Wikipedia, Airmail etiquette - Wikipedia, Par avion definition: by aeroplane : used in labelling mail sent by air | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples, 07/03/2008 ÿú 'par avion' is a printed, stamped, or written notice that you find on envelopes when the mail is supposed to go overseas by air mail it means: 'by plane'.

Par Avion - French for 'By Air '. Airmail label Part-perforate - a stamp imperforate on one or more sides, but with at least one side perforated.. Par Avion : French for mail transported by air . Perforations: Lines of small holes or cuts between rows of stamps that make them easy to separate. Philately: The collection and study of postage stamps and other postal materials.

Par avion definition, by plane (used especially as a designation on matter to be sent by airmail). See more.

The usual design is a plain blue oblong, with the phrases AIR MAIL and/or PAR AVION in white letters. Airlines and hotels have also produced etiquettes, some quite attractive. The airmail etiquette may be omitted if airmail stamps are used on the letter, and in some cases even this is not necessary if a country sends out all its foreign mail by air.

Since the official language of the Universal Postal Union is French, airmail items worldwide are often marked Par avion, literally: by airplane. For about the first half century of its existence, transportation of mail via aircraft was usually categorized and sold as a separate service (airmail) from surface mail.

Par Avion - Airmail stickers are called ?etiquettes? by the International Postal Union. The official language of the IPU is French and the Par Avion was to be paired with the official language of the country of origin. It has no postage value, but was required to be on anything going by air. There were special, higher rates for air mail before all.

English words for par avion include by airmail, by air , by air mail and par avion . Find more French words at wordhippo.com!, 19/07/2021 ÿú 6.Par avion . Meaning the system of transporting mail by aircraft. English: Via air mail. Example: Comme son colis ‚tait urgent, elle l?a re‡u par avion. (As her package was urgent she received it via air mail.) 7.Enveloppe. Meaning: a flat, usually square or rectangular, paper container for a letter. English: envelope, H ngk?ng (Chinese) or K?k? (Japanese) the literal meaning being aviation and short for Air Mail. The label on the left can be found used in Japan from 1929 if not before. Stocks of this label may have gone to Manchukuo when the M.A.T.C airmail service was launched - see an example on an early;"